
Every day we are confronted with new impressions. In this context daily learning is essential for survival, i.e. We have to discriminate between the warning sounds of street car and a church bell. Different parts of our brain normally regulate these daily learning processes unconsciously for us. Both at young and old age. However, disease entities like Alzheimer´s disease or other dementia.s (e.g. Lewy-body disease, Pick´s disease, vascular dementia) may progressively impair memory and account for personality changes. It has been beneficial for the public and research that eminent affected public personalities like the former US president Ronald Reagan tried to break the seal of silence in order to more openly address daily issues. Nevertheless and clearly, the handling of dementia remains a very personal and individual process.
We inform you of new advances in research and therapy, without neglecting therapeutic limitations but objecting to scientifically unreasonable, therapeutic nihilism