We treat patients with neurological disorders. Our diagnostic and therapeutic treatment principles are based on both new and traditional scientifically orientated, medical knowlegde.
We try to find optimized treatment options, aiming to either improve or even cure neurological impairments taking into account the whole individual.
We offer different diagnostic or therapeutic avenues, which are listed below. We look forward to your questions and will be glad to consult you individually.
Regular Services
Diagnostics & Therapy
Numerous clinical studies showed high efficacy of Botulinum Toxin in the treatment of neurological disorders such as dystonia and spasticity during the last 25 years. Adverse events are rare and importantly reversible. We will inform about success rates and limitations of this important therapeutic option. NEUROLOGY MOVES (as member and certified user within the German Botulinum Toxin Society) has contributed to the scientific evaluation of Botulinum Toxin in neurological disorders and provides comprehensive long-term clinical expertise in the field .
By the way: Botox® is a newly established therapeutic option in chronic migraine.
In addition we also offer Botulinum Toxin therapy for cosmetic use upon request.
We assess mental and cognitive processing in patients in order to differentiate normal aging and early dementia, using internationally validated scales (e.g. Minimental Status, DemTect, CERAD or other tests). We cooperate in this field with the Department of Neurology at the University of Magdeburg, which takes a leading position in dementia research in Germany. Our goals focus on individual patients´ needs, but also try to offer participation in research projects.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS; colloquial “brain pacemaker“) has evolved as one of the major advancements in neurology during the last 20 years. Quality of life may be distinctly improved by DBS in Parkinson´s disease, essential tremor, or dystonia, but also in other neuropsychiatric diseases, including pain disorders. NEUROLOGY MOVES advises the patient on these therapeutic options, which are performed in close cooperation with the University of Magdeburg (Stereotactic Neurosurgery-University of Magdeburg).
The electroencephalogram (EEG) has been developed in the twenties of the last century by the German psychiatrist Hans Berger(University of Jena). The EEG allows to assess electrical activity from the surface of the skull, i.e. indirectly and elegantly from the surface of the brain. It permits to monitor brain function, for instance vigilance and sleep, and represents an important diagnostic tool in epilepsy (diagnostic & therapy), but also involves new therapeutic options such as brain feedback (e.g. ADHS or Tic-Disorders).
Electromyography (EMG) assesses muscle acitivty.The activity of muscles depends on its communication with nerves. Importantly, the EMG allows insights on severity and duration of potential neuronal lesions; it involves small needle punctures, comparable to blood collection or acupuncture. EMG also involves the determination of the speed of the nerves (nerve conduction velocity), which provides important additional information on the status of the peripheral nervous system. This part of the EMG is associated with the application of small, mostly painfree electrical currents. EMG is essential in diagnosing and ultimately treating different disorders such as (poly-)neuropathies, myopathies, or myasthenia gravis.
The termin „evoked potentials“ refers to the average of localized EEG acitivity following stimulation of different sensory inputs such as vision (VEP), sensory vibration (SSEP), and hearing (AEP). Evoked potentials convey information on the interaction of the brain and the environment.
We clinically consult you on imaging methods (MRI, CT, nuclear medicine) of the brain and the spinal cord with corresponding referals. Upon request we will also have second look at old images.
Neurological diseases may be associated with specific changes in blood or cerebrospinal fluid (lumbar puncture). We consult you on these possibilities, for instance in dystonia; infections including Lyme disease, HIV, shingle; polyneuropathies; restless leg syndrome.
The l-DOPA-test is useful in patients with Parkinson´s disease. It quantifies the degree of improvement of Parkinsonian symptoms in patients using standardized methods and improves diagnostics and therapeutic options in Parkinson´s disease.
Lumbar puncture refers to the investigation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which sourrounds and buffers the brain and the spinal chord. CSF can be easily assessed via thin needles in the lumbar back region. The investigation is associated with little risks (mainly transient headache) and may be performed following detailed consultation. CSF investigations permit to detect infections and other neurological disorders. In special cases the pressure of CSF can be assessed to treat certain subtypes of dementia (normal pressure hydrocephalus).
Motor function can be assessed via induction of magnetic fields (motor evoked potentials) on the head and underlying brain areas (for example cortical areas for hand or foot). The painless technique allows to investigate the connections of brain motor areas and peripheral targets and is useful in multiple sclerosis or recovery from stroke and belongs to evoked potentials.