Headache, Migraine

Pain is a subjective, individual body sensation that regularly occurs after external events such as injuries. Pain is the result of of peripheral information from our nerves (e.g. hand nerves) and our brain. Pain mainly aims to protect us, e.g. our hand automatically withdraws from the heat of boiling water. Pain may however be a constant troublesome companion in chronic diseases such as back pain or polyneuropathy or other disorders. Pain is always “neurological“ , which is clearly demonstrated by amputational pain, so-called phantom pain, i.e. persistence of pain despite removal of the pain-associated body region. Headache and migraine belong the most common pain syndroms.
Therapeutic options include prophylactic (i.e. measures to prevent reoccurence) options and avenues to diminish pain intensity and duration, including new options such as botulinum toxin (link) Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie bei chronischer Migräne.